ROBLOX - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 237

評分5.0(158)·US$4.99·iOS·DetentionisanuniqueatmospherichorrorgameheavilyinfluencedbyTaiwanese/EastAsianculture(TaoismandBuddhismreferences)basedonthe1960sTaiwan ...,評分8/10(1)·免費·iOSDetentionisasingle-player2Dside-scrollerwithmultiplelanguages...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Detention on the App Store

評分 5.0 (158) · US$4.99 · iOS · Detention is an unique atmospheric horror game heavily influenced by Taiwanese/East Asian culture (Taoism and Buddhism references) based on the 1960s Taiwan ...

Detention for iPhone

評分 8/10 (1) · 免費 · iOS Detention is a single-player 2D side-scroller with multiple language support, including English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Detention for iOS

評分 4.0 (1) · 免費 · iOS · Download Detention latest version for iOS. Detention latest update: January 10, 2020.

Detention IPA MOD V1.3 (Free Purchase) For iOS

Detention IPA MOD iOS is a powerful app that allows you to customize your iOS device in ways you never thought possible. It offers a wide range ...


Detention is an atmospheric horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Incorporated religious elements based in Taiwanese/Chinese culture and ...

Detention – Download game for AndroidiOS

Detention is an impeccable horror game with a unique atmosphere. It was heavily influenced by Taiwanese and East Asian culture, featuring references to Taoism ...

Detention on Steam

評分 10/10 (9,748) · US$11.99 Detention is an atmospheric horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Incorporated religious elements based in Taiwanese/Chinese culture and mythology.

Download Detention for AndroidiOS APK

評分 1/10 (13) · 免費 · iOS Detention is an unique atmospheric horror game heavily influenced by Taiwanese/East Asian culture (Taoism and Buddhism references) based on the 1960s Taiwan ...


評分5.0(158)·US$4.99·iOS·DetentionisanuniqueatmospherichorrorgameheavilyinfluencedbyTaiwanese/EastAsianculture(TaoismandBuddhismreferences)basedonthe1960sTaiwan ...,評分8/10(1)·免費·iOSDetentionisasingle-player2Dside-scrollerwithmultiplelanguagesupport,includingEnglish,Chinese,Japanese,andKorean.,評分4.0(1)·免費·iOS·DownloadDetentionlatestversionforiOS.Detentionlatestupdate:January10,2020.,Det...